东京残奥会闭幕 中国代表团名列金牌榜、奖牌榜双第一
China Daily
With the extinguishing of the flame in the caldron, the Tokyo Paralympic Games closed on Sunday night, with Team China winning 207 medals to top the tally.The Chinese athletes-40 percent of them first-time Paralympians-won 96 gold medals, 60 silvers and 51 bronzes.9月5日晚,随着圣火熄灭,东京残奥会落下帷幕。中国代表团以96金60银51铜、共207枚奖牌的成绩名列奖牌榜榜首。中国代表团中有40%的运动员为首次参加残奥会。
Great Britain trailed in second place with 124 medals, followed by the United States and the Russian Paralympic Committee.英国队以124枚奖牌位列第二,美国和俄罗斯紧随其后。