Transit safety, gang shootings, international conflicts: Calgary police chief Mark Neufeld reflects on 2023
Interview with Calgary police chief Mark Neufeld
CTV News Morning Live anchor Jefferson Humphreys spoke to Calgary police chief Mark Neufeld recently about the state of the city's police service in 2023. The following interview has been edited for clarity and length.
Q. What are the biggest challenges for you and the Calgary Police Service?
A. A couple of things really stood out (in) an interesting situation with crime in the city (in 2023). A lot of crime was trending down, but at the same time, I think people's perceptions of safety trended the other way. So I think perception is ultimately reality. (There's still) a lot of work to be done (communicating) with Calgarians around safety in public spaces.
Gun violence was a perpetual topic of discussion as well. And then I think a lot of work done just on things like call diversion and this type of thing -- the evolution of the crisis response model, we're working with partners to get the right resources to focus in this type of thing.
Those are probably three big pieces of working in 2023. And let's get into some of those and I guess starting with gun violence, certainly always raises people's attention.
Q. Seeing two gangs very much involved with each other and (shootings are) pinpointed to that? Are we seeing that right now?
The plant was expected to produce batteries for a million electric vehicles a year. Once up and running, it was supposed to create hundreds of permanent jobs in a small southeastern Ontario municipality. But two years later, spending on the construction of the Umicore plant has been delayed in what the company calls a "significant worsening of the EV market context."