Rural B.C. doctor suspended for sexual relationship with patient
Global News
The College of Physicians and Surgeons said a Nakusp, B.C. doctor exchanged flirtatious and sexualized messages with the patient via Facebook and WhatsApp.
A doctor in B.C.’s Southern Interior has been suspended for having a sexual relationship with a patient four years ago.
This week, following an inquiry and investigation, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia announced that Dr. Norman Keith Lea of Nakusp will be suspended for two years.
According to the college, Dr. Lea admitted that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by entering into a personal and sexual relationship with an individual while that person was his patient.
The college said the doctor exchanged flirtatious and sexualized messages with the patient via Facebook and WhatsApp.
“That between August and December 2018, he repeatedly met with this patient on a personal and social basis, that his relationship with her became sexual, and that they had sexual intercourse at his medical clinic, in the on-call room at the Arrow Lakes Hospital, and at other locations around the community,” reads part of the decision that’s available online.
The college said Dr. Lea entered into a consent agreement, which began on Aug. 31.
“The Inquiry Committee was critical of the registrant’s conduct, specifically, the violation of the patient-physician relationship by entering into a sexual relationship with a patient,” said the college.
“The committee stated that the registrant violated boundaries in the patient-physician relationship by not only entering a sexual and intimate relationship with a patient, but doing so during her scheduled appointments with him in his office.