Mark your dates: Malayalam and Tamil 2023 calendars to shop
The Hindu
Two regional 2023 calendars for the language enthusiasts
Illustrated Malayalam calendar @ Muthassi, Kerala
Even though we follow the Gregorian calendar globally, the Malayalee community has its own months and stars that define each festival such as Vishu and Onam. And to bring these in the limelight is online Malayalam school Muthassi’s 2023 child-friendly illustrated study calendar. “Designed in Malayalam and English, it is an initiative to gently teach Malayalam months, days of the week and the stars to our children,” says Deepa Manoharan, who kickstarted the venture with sister Darsana Pradeep in 2020. “Vishu is celebrated on the first day of Meda masam (Medam month) and the date changes each year, and Onam is celebrated in Chinga masam (Chingam month) which could fall in August or September. So, without learning our months in order, or how they are distributed, a child cannot know when a festival or even their birthday is,” explains Darsana. ₹499 on muthassi.in
SOL @ The Art Brew, Chennai
At Chennai-based branding company The Art Brew, their annual calendar begins with a couplet from the Tirukkural. SOL, their New Year kit draws inspiration from the “power of words that make up the world”, says co-founder Avanti Natarajan. The kit, she says, “is a humble homage to the Tamil language and its rich history. Each month focusses on a specific Tamil word and revolves around a thought that the viewer can hold on to.” ₹1,299 on theartbrew.co.

In a study published in the journal Mammalian Biology on December 23, 2024, researchers compared the calls of Asian elephants based on their age, sex, and behaviour. They found the duration of trumpets remained fairly consistent across all age classes for both male and female Asian elephants but roars and roar-rumbles got longer with age.

The STS-63 mission, more popularly dubbed as the near-Mir mission, was a successful mission that spanned from February 3-11, 1995. A mission that served as a dress rehearsal for later missions that would rendezvous and dock with Mir, STS-63 reeled off a number of firsts. A.S.Ganesh tries and lists them out for you…