Jordan Neely's father played a role in his death. Don't ignore America's fatherhood crisis
Fox News
I work with kids who are absentee fathers every day. I counsel them on how God has blessed them with children and how it is their sacred responsibility to be there and raise the child.
Pastor Corey Brooks, known as the "Rooftop Pastor," is the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago and the CEO of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), the church's local mission. He gained national attention for his 94-day and 343-day rooftop vigils to transform the notorious "O-Block," once known as Chicago's most dangerous block, into #OpportunityBlock. Learn more at
One is lucky to find love or human compassion within the foster care system and it is likely that Neely did not. Despite possessing enough talent to impersonate Michael Jackson on subway platforms throughout New York City, Neely struggled with homelessness, drug abuse, and mental health issues, including depression and schizophrenia. He was also arrested 42 times for petty larceny, jumping subway turnstiles, and three assaults on women.