GCC pulls up school for maintaining attendance registers with caste names
The Hindu
HM denies segregating students on caste basis
A primary school had been maintaining attendance registers organising the student rolls on the basis of caste before it was pulled up by Greater Chennai Corporation on Monday.
The GCC has directed the school to discontinue the practice at once. Since the school had also divided its students into three batches on the basis of their attendance roster owing to COVID-19, it turned out that students were bunched together on the basis of their community alone. The GCC directed the school to drop the existing practise and asked it to prepare fresh batches based on the alphabetical order of the name of students.
When this correspondent visited the school on Monday evening, the headmistress said: “This is not new and we have been following this attendance registers even before. We are not segregating students on caste basis. It so happened that most students of a caste are in one batch. It is unintentional.”