Dalits are people, have lives, wives and children: Mark Tully
The Hindu
Their lives get lost in description: Tully
When some write about oppressed people, the human being gets lost in a lot of adjectival description, former journalist and author Mark Tully said, adding that he doesn’t want to underestimate anyone else’s suffering.
He was speaking at a discussion organised by the Madras Book Club on his new book, Upcountry Tales, with N. Ram, Director, THG Publishing Group Pvt Ltd.
“I don’t want to underestimate anyone’s suffering. I do want people to remember that Dalits are people, individuals, have lives, wives, children... We must have some description, but just as I see, sometimes Dalit lives get lost [in the writing],” he said, speaking about one of the stories in the book about a Dalit defying tradition to build a temple.