Calls to boycott Russian products in Quebec grow over country’s invasion of Ukraine
Global News
In response to the invasion of Ukraine, Quebec is considering imposing economic sanctions against Russia, including the possibility of ceasing imports of Russian vodka products.
Calls to boycott Russian products are growing in Quebec following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this week.
Parti Québécois Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon took to Twitter Friday afternoon demanding that the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) and other government-run corporations to boycott Russian products.
“We have to send a strong signal,” St-Pierre Plamondon said.
In a statement to Global News, a spokesperson for the SAQ indicated there were no plans to pull products from shelves.
“It is not the role of the SAQ to engage in politics,” wrote Yann Langlais-Plante. “That being said, we are sensitive to the concerns of all those who are impacted by this conflict here and elsewhere.”
While the SAQ currently has about 10 Russian products available in Quebec there are no plans for replenishment, according to Langlais-Plante.
He said, however, if the government put measures in place regarding Russian products, then they would comply with them.