An industrial-friendly policy or a ploy to mop up funds?
The Hindu
Scepticism over proposal to issue sale deed of allotted land to industrialists
Is the move to issue sale deed of the allotted land to industrialists on successfully running an enterprise for two years, a gimmick to garner additional funds ahead of the elections slated for next year ?
The State Cabinet recently cleared the proposal to amend the KIADB provisions and was announced by the Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani in Bengaluru on Saturday. But stakeholders in the industrial sector have aired their scepticism over the proposal. Though it appears to be an industrial-friendly move on the surface, they describe it as an effort to mop up funds.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, entrepreneurs believe there will be a veritable rush by the allotees to get the sale deed and a lot of money will change hands which is expected to come in handy for the party in power during the elections.